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City of Farmers Branch

New citizen collection station on horizon


Since the Citizens Collection Center on Valley View Road closed last fall, residents have been vocal in their disapproval.

Farmers Branch City Councilmembers have heard, and the City of Farmers Branch Public Works Department is looking for a solution.

Citizen collection stations have been part of Farmers Branch amenities on and off since 2003. The city did not have one from 2009-2013, according to the presentation given to the city council during the Jan. 21 study session by Deputy Director of Public Works Shane Davis.

The collection center closed at the end of September following the city’s budget discussions. The Texas Commission of Environmental Quality (TCEQ) officially declared it closed this month, Davis said.

As a replacement, Davis said the city has applied for another permit from the TCEQ for a proposed location at the city’s equipment center at 13333 Senlac Dr. He expects the city should receive the permit by the end of March, at which time the city can install the required fencing.

“Out of all the options in the city, this is the best one we could come up with,” Davis said.

The proposed collection station would operate only on Saturdays as it would be in an area that is used by city staff for parking. In addition, city brush and bulk collection staff would need to work overtime to provide the service, which is not currently budgeted for the 2025-2026 city budget.

The center would not have a ramp, so residents would need to carry their waste from their vehicles into the collection box, Davis said. It would not collect hazardous waste or food compost, though at council’s request, Davis said he would investigate options for food composting options.

The city currently pays Dallas County for household hazardous waste, and residents can dispose of batteries, compact and regular fluorescent light bulbs, cooking oil, electronics, lawn and garden chemicals, motor oil and auto fluids, paint and pool chemicals at the Dallas County Home Chemical Collection Center at 11234 Plano Rd. in Dallas. Residents must show proof of residency to use the chemical collection center free of charge.

The city hosts one household hazardous waste day per year, where residents can bring their hazardous waste to a collection point within the city, which has previously been either at Oran Good Park or the city’s parking lot at 13333 Senlac Dr.

Davis said patronage to that event has steadily declined the last few years but with 100-150 residents participating, he recommended continuing to offer the service.

With the closing of the citizens collection center, residents can now drop off electronics at United Electronics Recycler at 505 Airline Drive in Coppell or at the Home Collection Center at 11234 Plano Road in Dallas. The Home Collection Center does not accept TVs.

City Councilmember Roger Neal, District 5, asked when residents may be able to use the proposed citizen collection station. Davis said he expected it to be operational in April.