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City tables public discussion on Firehouse Theatre


Despite swirling rumors, the Farmers Branch City Council has gone silent in regard to The Firehouse Theatre.

The council’s Aug. 20 agenda included a closed executive session at the end of the study session to seek confidential legal advice from the city attorney regarding the theater’s facility use agreement. Council reconvened for the city council meeting with Mayor Terry Lynne making no comment about the matter.

Lynne tabled the agenda item that would have provided a public discussion and a vote to consider approving Resolution No. 2024-152, which would have authorized Williamson to execute the amended and restated facility use agreement for the facility at 2535 Valley View Lane.

David Moore, Executive Director of The Firehouse Theatre, said that “recent conversations between himself and members of the City Council and the City Manager regarding an Agreement have been productive, and that he is optimistic that the parties can come to an agreement that will allow the Theatre to remain in the space.”

The city declined to make a statement to the Branch Herald other than to say that when new information is available and the city council has been briefed, they will be able to provide an update.

Here is the link from Aug. 20 agenda item that was tabled.